Success Stories

Success Story of Muhammad Ilyas

Sarim Burney Legal aid department is helping thousands of legal aid seekers every years. An honest man resident of Karachi...

Success Story of Muhammad Ilyas

Sarim Burney Legal aid department is helping thousands of legal aid seekers every years. An honest man resident of Karachi disabled in one arm and one leg saw his life turned around when he got accused in a false case. The Sindh Police had Muhammad Ilyas arrested under a false allegation and held in jail for more than a year. Sarim Burney Legal Aid Committee works to resolve cases like these, especially focusing on getting those poor men released from prison who do not have the means to rise and fight for themselves. In this case, Muhammad Ilyas was a hard working TV mechanic who despite his physical inhibitions tried with all his might for a hard earned, respectable sustenance. Misfortune struck Ilyas the day he was unjustly accused in a false case. The poor man had neither strength nor resources and lacked knowledge of the legal system to stand up on his own and fight for himself. The Sarim Burney Trust being part of the Sindh prison oversight committee, makes occasional rounds of the public jails to survey the jail environment ensuring prisoners rights are properly practiced. Through this process Ilyas’ unfair case was discovered and brought to the Legal Aid Committee. The Committee took the case to court and appealed for a review of the allegation made against him. The services and expenses of a lawyer in addition to all forms of legal aid were provided to secure freedom for Ilyas. With much determination the Legal Aid Department managed to get Ilyas’ case revisited and evidence gathered to prove that a false allegation was made against him. After fourteen desolate months in the jail, Ilyas was released by the Court, a free man and victory for the pursuers of justice like Sarim Burney Trust.

Legal Aid Success Story